Next Step Partner’s statement of support. Learn how to overcome three common pitfalls for leaders steering mission-driven organizations through uncertainty and change. Learn key considerations for evaluating where to make a strategic investment in leadership development for your organization. The heady days of fast growth are thrilling, but how do you lead your organization to sustainable success as it gets bigger? How a growth mindset that employs powerful questions can spur innovation by opening up discussion and solutions. For all HR leaders who need to get executive team support for Leadership Development programs, we have some tried and true approaches and tips. Brandon Hall awards high honors to Leading in a Global Enterprise, a program that Next Step Partners created with their client, Genentech. Time to think, and mental freedom, can come only from true empowerment. There are many well-meaning members of Congress, but maybe through its shortcomings we can learn something about teams. Have you ever known just what you needed to do to fix a situation, yet you find yourself  afraid to the next step?

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