
Expressing Our Support for Our Jewish Friends and Colleagues

Partner, Next Step Partners

October 8, 2023

To our Jewish Friends and Colleagues,

We are incredibly saddened and horrified by the recent terrorist attacks inflicted upon Israel and the Jewish people yesterday by Hamas. This is the most brutal slaughter of Jewish people in one day since The Holocaust. Many men, women, children, and elderly civilians were rounded up, abducted, terrorized, tortured, and killed – all because they are Jewish.

Many of us have friends and family in Israel and are frightened for what this horrendous attack means for the future. War has been declared which means more violence and trauma is to come.

We also recognize that a second assault occurs when the mainstream media or certain parties try to justify or “both-sides” these events or call this “resistance.” There are no “buts” or justifications for these heinous war crimes. Plain and simple. If you see it or hear it, we encourage you to call it out. We certainly will.

We know the pain, trauma, and anger of this attack runs deep for the Jewish people. We are holding you in our hearts, and sending love and prayers for family and friends.

We are here for you if you want to talk or have questions – please reach out.

Much Love,

Jordan, Rebecca, Melissa and Lisa



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