Kate Neville


Growth and opportunity require people to operate outside of their comfort zones. Kate helps her clients create capacity and move from thought to action, identifying practical steps to develop new skills expand capacity, and effectively advance their goals.

She achieves this by helping clients leverage their experience to clarify desired outcomes and goals, identify and assess their options, and develop strategies to advance from Point A to Point B. She provides insight and tailored guidance to experienced clients with substantial content expertise moving into leadership positions and expanding their roles.

Kate graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University, earned a law degree cum laude from Harvard Law School, and is a graduate of the Coro Leadership New York program.

She presents frequently on topics related to best practices in communication, particularly across differences, and is a Professional Diversity Coach helping organizations improve Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. She has developed numerous workshops for experienced, high-performing professionals to build management and leadership skills as they advance in organizations.

A former Austinite and New Yorker, Kate lives in Washington, DC, with her husband as recent empty-nesters. She loves hiking, traveling, and swimming outdoors, and practices yoga and meditation as often as she can.

Princeton University
Harvard Law School

Certifications and Training
New Ventures West
Immunity to Change Facilitator
The Hogan Assessment
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (Cornell University, ILR) Coach Diversity Institute
PROSCI Change Management
Trauma-Informed Coaching
Management Dynamics’ High Performing Teams

Selected Clients
Natural Resources Defense Council, Morrison & Foerster, KPMG, Comcast, Expedia

Nature; laughter and conversation; good movies, music, and theater


Julie Horne


Kimberly Togman

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