Marcilie Smith Boyle


Authentic success is success on your own terms — it’s the peace, purpose, and excitement you feel when you let go of what others want for you, re-discover what you want for yourself, and then go get it. Marcilie is an experienced Career Transition Coach who helps her clients find authentic success.

For example: After years of feeling dread about going to work, Bill, a financial services VP found a job that honored his values, leaving him engaged and excited. Rachel, a European bank manager quickly made a major life decision that she had been mulling over for more than two years. Curtis, a Silicon Valley CFO rediscovered and owned his non-traditional strengths, clarifying his next career move.

Marcilie transitioned to coaching after four years of management consulting and ten more years managing and marketing brands at The Clorox Company.

She earned a BA from Dartmouth, an MBA from Harvard, and holds certifications from The Coaches Training Institute, Get5 Career Coaching and The Positive Discipline Association. She regularly blogs about parenting, often noting the profound similarities between leadership excellence at work and at home. Her greatest leadership opportunity is as Mother to three children in Oakland, CA.

Dartmouth College | Applied Math
Harvard Business School

Certifications and Training
International Coaching Federation
Get5 Career Coach
Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator
Empowering People in the Workplace
Positive Discipline Association
Neuroleadership Institute
Leadership Circle Profile
Enneagram iEQ9

Selected Clients
CEO and Founder, Public Media Company;
CFO, Silicon Valley Funded Start Up; VP, JP Morgan Chase; White House Advisor; Partner, Boston Consulting Group; Chief Product Officer, Life Sciences Data management Org

Martha Beck, Lake Tahoe, my children


Lindsay Barnett


Margaret Brooks

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