Jordan Stark,
Lisa Blosser
Partner, Next Step Partners
Some executives don’t just underperform—they corrode. Not in obvious, headline-making ways, but through subtle patterns that quietly unravel alignment and momentum. CEOs think their biggest risks are external. The real danger? It’s often already inside the room.
Many CEOs unknowingly allow small issues to fester, disrupting performance, morale, and collaboration. In our experience coaching CEOs, the best leaders spot these problems early, and address them quickly. Here are four common executive team patterns that demand attention—and how to fix them.
The Issue: A senior leader delivers strong results but exhibits toxic behavior—shutting down discussions, undermining peers, or resisting change. Their behavior is excused because of their track record, but over time, it erodes trust and collaboration.
Example: At a mid-sized tech company, the Chief Customer Experience Officer, Sam, had been a successful leader for several years. But when the company transitioned to a new business model, he refused to adapt his team’s operations. In executive team meetings, when peers wanted to discuss potential needed changes, he consistently deflected and refused to engage. The CEO tried to address Sam’s behavior with him privately, but did not explicitly say, “This is unacceptable and it has to stop,” so the behavior continued for far too long. Frustration with Sam (and the CEO) grew, interdepartmental conflict rose, and collaboration stalled between core teams.
Fix It: As a CEO or leader of any team, whatever behavior you allow, is the behavior you will get. Even seemingly subtle unconstructive behavior from one team member can turn into big problems for the whole team, and the business. If you have given explicit feedback, and you aren’t seeing progress quickly, it’s time for a different conversation that includes consequences: “Sam we’ve talked twice now about the fact that you won’t engage in dialogue with your peers. I need you to understand that if you want to continue as a senior leader here, you need to discuss the team’s concerns constructively. If you aren’t willing to do that, this isn’t going to work…Here is what I need to see going forward...” In some situations, coaching can help, if your leader is receptive, but one way or another, take decisive action early before the damage spreads.
The Issue: Instead of addressing conflicts directly, team members seek private alignment with the CEO, bypassing honest discussions. This fuels silos, erodes trust, and weakens decision-making.
Example: At a global retail company, senior leaders sat through weekly meetings nodding along—but real concerns only surfaced afterward. The CFO and COO privately told the CEO that “Marketing’s strategy was financially unsound,” while the CMO separately complained that Finance was blocking key investments. Trying to appease both sides, the CEO inadvertently fueled the dysfunction by allowing each leader to complain to her, without insisting that the leaders resolve the issue together. Misalignment grew, tensions deepened, and a major product launch failed—all because issues weren’t addressed in the room where different perspectives could have generated a positive solution.
Fix It: Establish a “resolve it in the room” and “no back-channeling” culture. When leaders raise concerns privately to you, redirect the conversation quickly and insist that they collaborate to solve problems together. Foster a culture where sharing different perspectives and disagreements is expected and normal, so that challenges are tackled openly, preventing silos and costly missteps: “Of course we have different perspectives. We’re working in different areas of the business. Our job as leaders is to get all the different perspectives on the table so that we can figure out the best way forward.” Remember, once you establish your expectations, it is essential to follow through.
The Issue: The CEO holds some leaders to high standards while others are perceived to get a pass, causing underperformance and resentment, and damaging the CEO’s credibility.
Example: In an insurance company we worked with, senior leaders grew frustrated that the CTO consistently missed deadlines and made excuses without consequences, while others faced tougher scrutiny. Over time, people perceived an “in group/out group” dynamic which damaged their motivation, and the CEO’s credibility. Critical customer initiatives stalled and key talent considered leaving because they felt the work environment was rigged.
Fix It: Self-reflection and consistency in approach to evaluating each leader is key. If you naturally connect more with certain leaders, it’s vital to double-check your objectivity:
If you realize that you are uneven in the way you manage different team members, stop. Treating people unequally will damage not only your reputation, but your team member’s too. Letting people off the hook allows underperformance, which doesn’t serve anyone. Remember, accountability, when handled well, supports all of us to be at our best. If your direct reports do not feel fairly treated, at a minimum they will not give you their best. At worst they will leave for greener, fairer pastures where they feel truly valued.
The Issue: Some leaders quietly check out—contributing just enough to stay under the radar while mentally disengaging.
Example: At a media company, Alex, the Head of Operations, met his responsibilities but had become quieter in meetings. The task-focused CEO didn’t see an issue until team members flagged it, a few months in. By then, innovation had slowed, and team momentum suffered.
Fix It: CEOs and team leaders must proactively scan for signs of disengagement—low participation, lack of enthusiasm, or missed opportunities for input. If caught quickly, regular one-on-one check-ins can uncover the root cause, whether burnout, frustration, or personal struggles. A simple conversation—“I’ve noticed you’ve been quieter than usual. How are you doing?”—can open the door to meaningful engagement before the problem deepens. If you ignore it, know that the team will not, and frustration and concern will build.
Great teams thrive on trust, accountability, and open communication. CEOs who proactively address dysfunctional patterns quickly create stronger, more aligned leadership teams—and avoid costly crises down the road. The best leaders don’t just focus on results; they continuously shape the culture that drives them.