Ronald Wong


Ronald’s coaching style is open and pragmatic with an ability to get to the core needs being presented. This includes helping clients build greater self- awareness, challenge their self-talk and mental models and develop greater insights and behaviours.

Ronald works with clients on leadership and presence, effective teamwork, navigating change and developing inclusive practices. He is especially interested in mindset, teams and systems, in decision-making and the ‘dark arts’ of behavioural finance and investing.

Ronald was born in Fiji and completed his education in Sydney where he completed his undergraduate degree and MBA. Having spent a large part of his career at an international bank, Ronald is fluent with both cross-cultural issues and matrix leadership styles of large and complex companies.

He draws inspiration from his family, and in the Stoic principles of leading a purposeful life.

University of New South Wales
Macquarie Graduate School of Management

Institute of Executive Coaching & Leadership, Australia
Lumina Learning, England
Kantor Institute, USA
GLWS, Australia
Neuroleadership Institute

Recent Clients
Akamai, Bank of America, David Swirner, Gilead, HSBC, Manulife, Mayer Brown, Mother’s Choice, Visible Alpha

Family, stoicism, behavioral economics, modernist design


Peter Gandolfo


Roth Herrlinger

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