Rebecca Zucker


Growth requires both vision and action. Rebecca’s clients rely on her intelligence, pragmatism, and unwavering professionalism to demystify the process of growth and achieve their goals.

As an expert in executive coaching as well as leadership and career development, Rebecca coaches C-level executives and other senior leaders across the globe. In addition to several venture-backed startups, her clients span multiple sectors, including technology, venture capital, private equity, financial services, law, consulting, consumer products, media, healthcare, biotech, education, and philanthropy. She is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review and and is frequently quoted in the press on career and leadership issues.

Rebecca graduated as valedictorian from the Leonard N. Stern School of business at NYU and later received her MBA from Stanford. She then worked as an investment banker for Goldman Sachs in New York and held leadership positions at Disney EMEA in Paris and at Robertson Stephens. She received her coaching training and certification from the Coaches Training Institute and from Minds at Work.

Download Bio

Stanford University | Graduate School of Business

The Coaches Training Institute
Minds at Work Immunity to Change
Myers Briggs Type Indicator®
Leadership Circle Profile
Leadership Circle Culture Survey
Hay Group Inventory of Leadership Styes and Organizational Climate Survey
Team Coaching International’s Team Diagnostic™
Psychological Safety Assessment

Selected Clients
5AM Ventures, Clorox, The David and Lucille Packard Foundation, DocuSign, Dropbox, Exabeam, GI Partners, Hall Capital Partners, The James Irvine Foundation, Morrison Foerster, Norwest Venture Partners, Rodan + Fields, Rubrik, Russell Reynolds, Santander USA, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Unity Technologies

Anything French, international travel, photography and good coffee

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3 Behavioral Interview Questions With Sample Answers

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Interview Question Types

8 Phone Interview Tips To Help You Land That New Job

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Creating Racial And Gender Equity In The Workplace Through Shared Sisterhood

Looking Back — and Ahead — to Set Your Team Up for Success

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Overwhelmed at Work

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Facing the Fears That Hold You Back at Work

Creating The Culture You Want To See In Your Company

10 Red Flags to Watch Out for in a Job Interview

Learning To Lead By Letting Go

How to Respond When an Employee Quits

How to Write a Goodbye Email to Your Colleagues

Trauma: A Hidden Contributor To Overwhelm At Work

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Getting Into The Mindset Of A Top Achiever

How to Motivate Your Team When People Keep Quitting

The Future of the Workplace

Learning to Thrive in a Complex World

Managing Overwhelm

Feel the Fear and Negotiate Anyway

The Onboarding Begins in the Interview Process

Making Requests

Why Not Tell Your Own Story?

The Intergenerational Workplace and Rethinking Age

The Courage to Have Good Meetings

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The Person You Cannot Disappoint Is Yourself

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What You Can Do When You’re Successful But Unsatisfied

4 Ways To Achieve Smart Growth In Your Leadership And Career

The Inside View on Mentoring

What White People Need to Know About Racial Trauma in the Workplace

Returning to the Workforce After Being a Caregiver

Four Ways to be an Impact Player at Your Job

How Much Time Can I Take Off Between Jobs?

What Makes for a Successful Founder CEO?

How to Maintain Focus on Long-Term Goals in a Short-Term World

Break Free from a “9 to 5” Culture

Overcoming Anxiety at Work

The Top 4 Strategies for (Successfully) Working Across Teams

Leading Through Uncertainty

6 Strategies for Leading Through Uncertainty

When You Lose Your Job – and It’s Your Whole Identity

How to Identify Your Next Career Move

5 Strategies to Get Unstuck in Your Job Search

How to Follow Up With Someone Who’s Not Getting Back to You

Ask These 8 Questions to Understand a Company’s Culture

Nine Compensation Negotiation Strategies That Work

How to Handle Salary Questions in Interviews

Best Practices for Negotiating Compensation

Making Effective Networking Requests

How to Practice Self-Compassion in Trying Times

The Overload Antidote: How to Engage Your Team in Work Redesign

Thinking of Skipping Vacation? Don’t!

Office Reentry Plans Must Account for Medically Vulnerable Employees

Managers, Adjust Your Expectations (Without Lowering the Bar)

How to Conduct a Layoff Without Turning the World Against You

Career Stewardship: Five Ways to Invest In Your Career Right Now

How to Succeed When You have Big Shoes to Fill

Is That Stretch Job Right for You?

Are You Pushing Yourself Too Hard at Work?

What to Say in an Exit Interview

How to Stop Thinking About Work at 3am

How to Manage the Emotional Roller Coaster of a Job Search

How to Deal with Constantly Feeling Overwhelmed

How to Not Be Defensive

5 Ways to Respond to Ageism in a Job Interview

How to Assess a Leader’s Credibility Before Engaging an Executive Coach

Why Highly Efficient Leaders Fail

How’s Your New Year’s Resolution Working Out?

How to Email Someone You Haven’t Talked to in Forever

Why the Best Internal Candidate Might Be from an Unlikely Part of the Company

Help your Team Achieve Work-Life Balance – Even When You Can’t

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Top Leadership Lessons and Resources

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Getting Under Your Skin: How to Respond

Giving Feedback: Dealing with Defensiveness

Newly Updated: The Acclaimed Career Handbook for Working Professionals

Relationship Repair: A Step by Step Guide

And You Though the Hard Part was Getting the Job!


Melissa Karz

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